Numen: Artificial Intelligence at the forefront of the energy data revolution

06 December 2019 @ 12:00am Equity Crowdfunding Investors

Numen: Artificial Intelligence at the forefront of the energy data revolution

Last week, we identified the four main challenges facing facilities managers in today’s unsafe and inefficient building energy systems. This is particularly relevant as manufacturers, retailers and the financial services sectors all embrace the world’s digital transformation.

According to McKinsey, linking the physical and digital worlds could generate US$11.1 trillion a year by 20251.

However, many businesses don’t understand the performance and efficiency of the machines they depend upon to drive their business. Many of these machines fail at the most critical time, and when they do, the impact can be catastrophic – equipment failure is one of the top 6 causes of lost productivity, with almost 92% of maintenance-related shutdowns unplanned2.

Ecocentric has developed Numen to solve these problems – providing fire prevention, energy management and critical device management for residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

How does Numen work?

Ecocentric’s Numen device is easily installed into any electrical infrastructure using cloud computing to provide real time insights on the performance of machines. By using AI, Numen can learn the behavioural patterns of electrical infrastructure and alert to abnormalities in a machine’s performance.

Numen uses sensors to acquire high frequency electrical data on machines and equipment that is fed into cloud-based algorithms, enabling the system to identify the signature of individual devices, monitor their performance, and predict fault.

How does Numen help?

Numen’s alert system notifies key personnel in real time of abnormalities and early signs of failure modes, allowing intervention to avoid costly unplanned outages and electrical failures, as well as provide insight into how to best optimise energy efficiency.

Is there anyone else doing this?

While there are IoT devices on the edge of power networks, Ecocentric believes there are currently no other players offering a scalable way to capture and act on micro data signatures in real time and then aggregate that smart data for owners, renters, managers and insurers.

Numen is already actively monitoring critical infrastructure following successful pilots with a range of multinational companies including insurers, energy retailers and hospitality. With patents granted in the United States and across Western Europe, Ecocentric is well-placed to be the global search engine of energy.


Ecocentric has already surpassed its minimum funding target on the OnMarket platform, having raised $3.6m from over 150 investors, including $3.2m from sophisticated and professional investors under a Wholesale Offer in ordinary shares and at the same issue price. There’s still over $1m of equity on offer so don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of the energy data revolution, Invest now!,Refinery_power_failures__causes__costs____and_solutions.html#.XYHf2JMzZR0
