Access our active community of investors

Enhance your business, enlist the crowd


Successful Raisings


Capital Raised


OnMarket Crowd

Why raise capital with OnMarket? >

Click here for our founder resources

Raise capital with Australia’s most experienced team

Since October 2015, OnMarket has successfully helped a large number of early and growth stage businesses raise capital. The experience you want on your team.

Access the most active community of investors

With Australia’s largest community of active investors, you can pitch your story and know it is being heard by our investors, as well as your own network of friends, family and customers.

Enhance your business by accessing the crowd

Raising funds via OnMarket will help you enhance your brand awareness, engage your existing customers, and grow your market following in a more efficient way.

Take a look at our case studies >

Why companies recommend OnMarket

The OnMarket team were open and informative about the process and are extremely knowledgeable in their understanding of how to run a successful campaign. Having Nick travel to us in Tasmania was of high value. Everyone was very friendly and the raise was professionally run.

Andrew Morgan


The assistance from the OnMarket team throughout the raise was excellent. With many factors needing to be considered when raising capital, it is important to have an experienced team available to you to guide you through the raise. This is exactly what the OnMarket team provide.

Lana Klimovski


I found working with OnMarket fantastic. We were able to be open and transparent with our needs and agenda, and that enabled Neutrog and OnMarket to attack campaign initiatives from different angles whilst working in harmony. We communicated frequently and well throughout the campaign.

Angus Irwin


What stage is your business at?

From Seed funding to IPO and beyond, companies at every stage have successfully raised funds via OnMarket. As Australia’s most successful fundraising platform we can help you raise the capital you need to make your company great.



Pre or nominal revenue
Funds used to develop idea/concept
Raising $100k - $500k


Product in beta stage or later
 May have revenues but not profit
Raising $250k - $1m


Progressing commercial operations
Customer traction/ solid revenues
Raising $500k - $5m


Listing on ASX or NSX
Raising $3m to $1billion
Min investor bid $2,000

Take me to IPOs

Let's get the show on the road...

Finding investors that believe in you and your business doesn’t have to be painful. Let our experience help get the outcome you are looking for.

Tell us who you are

Start by telling us who you are and what you want your business to achieve. We will get back to you with some questions to make sure you are ready to start the crowdfunding process.

Craft the campaign

This is your turn to shine. With our help, prepare the campaign by sharing your vison, explaining your business, the market opportunity, and importantly how you will spend the funds.

Raise capital

When everything is ready we will launch the equity crowdfunding offer. You will have up to 45 days to raise the funds. We will promote it to our members, and help you reach out to your network of customers, friends and fans…

Choose the team that has the experience and depth to help take your business to the next level.



Let us help you get OnMarket...