OnMarket's comprehensive returns analyses the performance of all listed OnMarket offers to date by following a simple strategy:
For OnMarket investors who have followed this simple strategy since inception (~6yrs), you would have seen a simple annualised money-weighted return of 18.64% when selling your OnMarket IPOs and Placements 6 months post-listing or resumption of trading.
For more information on how returns are calculated, see here.
For a full, comprehensive breakdown of returns, see below:
Total Return % | |||||
Code | Name | 1 Day | 1 Month | 3 Month | 6 Month |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | -35.71% | -15.71% | -18.57% | -5.71% |
14DO | 1414 Degrees Limited Option 21 Aug 20 | ||||
1AD | Adalta Limited | 12.00% | -8.00% | -8.00% | -16.00% |
1CG | One Click Group Ltd (fka Uuv Aquabotix) | -7.32% | -30.61% | -60.71% | -66.67% |
1MC | Morella Corporation (fka Altura Mining) | 0.00% | 19.23% | -11.54% | -24.62% |
3DA | Amaero International | 100.00% | 82.50% | -15.00% | -25.00% |
4WD | Auto Solutions Ltd | -7.00% | -7.00% | -12.50% | -64.00% |
9SP | 9 Spokes Int Limited | -25.00% | -25.00% | -22.50% | -22.50% |
AAL | Alfabs Australia | 0.00% | 6.00% | 2.00% | 60.00% |
ACE | Acusensus Limited | 0.00% | -24.75% | -13.75% | -20.00% |
ADC | Acdc Metals Ltd | 0.00% | -15.00% | -50.00% | -58.50% |
AEG | Absolute Equity Perf | 9.09% | 27.27% | 20.00% | 20.00% |
AEGO | Absolute Equity Perf Option 16 Nov 17 | ||||
AFL | Af Legal Group Ltd | -5.00% | -5.00% | -7.50% | -12.50% |
AGH | Althea Group | 16.00% | -21.50% | -47.50% | -54.50% |
AL3 | AML3D Ltd | -25.00% | -17.50% | -5.00% | 160.00% |
ALO | Alloggio Group | -17.50% | -7.50% | -25.00% | -37.50% |
AND | Ansarada Group Ltd (fka TDY) | 22.50% | -35.00% | -20.00% | -5.00% |
APL | Antipodes Global Inv | 1.82% | -0.36% | 3.18% | 15.64% |
APLO | Antipodes Global Inv Option 15 Oct 18 | ||||
AR1 | Australresources | -12.50% | -12.50% | 0.00% | 5.00% |
ARL | Ardea Resources Ltd | -10.00% | 127.50% | 187.50% | 300.00% |
AVD | Avada Group Limited | -7.00% | -6.50% | -12.00% | -20.50% |
AVZ | Avz Minerals Ltd | 26.92% | 69.23% | 134.62% | 603.85% |
AW1 | American West Metals | -27.50% | -36.25% | -30.00% | -25.00% |
BDT | Birddog Technology Ltd | 6.15% | 0.00% | -49.23% | -74.62% |
BDX | BCAL Diagnostics | 0.00% | -38.00% | -34.00% | -54.00% |
BEE | Broo Ltd | 40.00% | 45.00% | 65.00% | 55.00% |
BME | Black Mountain Energy | -27.50% | -32.50% | -35.00% | -51.00% |
BMT | Beamtree Holdings (fka PKS Holdings Limited PKS) | -10.00% | -10.00% | -12.50% | -12.50% |
BRI | Big Riv Indust Ltd | 3.42% | 21.92% | 30.14% | 60.96% |
BRX | Belararox Limited | 5.00% | 240.00% | 305.00% | 82.50% |
BTH | Bigtincan Hldgs Ltd | -7.69% | -17.31% | -15.38% | -34.62% |
BTK | Botai Technology Ltd (fka Wonhe Multimedia) | 5.00% | 62.50% | 55.00% | 20.00% |
C7A | Clara Resources (fka Aus Tin Mining) | 0.00% | 0.00% | -27.27% | -81.82% |
CA8 | Coassets Ltd. | 0.00% | -38.75% | -75.00% | -37.50% |
CA8O | Coassets Ltd. Option 30 May 19 | ||||
CCG | Commschoice | 4.00% | -6.00% | -26.00% | -40.00% |
CCO | The Cakner Co Int (fka Fiji Kava Ltd FIJ) | -40.00% | -52.00% | -57.00% | -57.50% |
CDC | China Dairy Ltd | 25.00% | 20.00% | -2.15% | -17.15% |
CDM | Cadence Capital | 8.90% | 5.10% | 6.74% | 7.25% |
CDMO | Cadence Capital Option 31 Aug 15 | ||||
CMG | Critical Minerals Group | -20.00% | -38.57% | -47.14% | -42.86% |
CMX | ChemX Materials Ltd | 0.00% | 5.00% | 27.50% | -22.50% |
COB | Cobalt Blue Ltd | 10.00% | 57.50% | 12.50% | 3.75% |
COBO | Cobalt Blue Ltd Option 02 May 20 | ||||
CP1 | Cannpal Animal | -15.00% | 17.50% | 20.00% | 5.00% |
CPO | Culpeo Minerals Ltd | 15.00% | 15.00% | 0.00% | -37.50% |
CRD | Conrad Asia Energy Ltd | 0.00% | -6.85% | -14.38% | 12.33% |
CSF | Catalanos Seafood Ltd | -10.00% | -5.00% | -7.50% | -40.00% |
CVB | Curvebeam Ai Limited | -29.17% | -11.46% | -30.21% | -56.25% |
CVR | Cavaleir Resources Ltd | 0.00% | -10.00% | -25.00% | -32.50% |
CWL | Consel Financial Holdings (fka Enzumo ENZ) | 17.50% | 20.00% | 62.50% | 90.00% |
DBF | Duxton Broadacre | 5.33% | 10.00% | 6.67% | 0.00% |
DCL | Domacom Limited | -46.67% | -69.33% | -72.00% | -80.00% |
DFM | Dongfang Modern Ag | 25.00% | 35.00% | 26.00% | 142.00% |
DMM | DMC Mining Limited | -32.50% | -25.00% | -35.00% | -52.50% |
DN8 | Dreamscape Netwk Ltd | 0.00% | -4.00% | -22.00% | -18.00% |
DRO | Droneshield Limited | 92.50% | 40.00% | 20.50% | 60.00% |
DROO | Droneshield Limited Option 14 Jun 18 | ||||
DSE | Dropsuite Ltd | -13.00% | -10.00% | -29.00% | -41.00% |
DY6 | Dy6 Metals Ltd | 17.50% | 0.00% | -30.00% | -52.50% |
ECS | ECS Botanics Holdings | 62.50% | 47.50% | 15.00% | 22.50% |
EDC | Eildon Capital Ltd | 1.89% | 1.89% | 6.57% | 8.98% |
EHH | Eagle Hlth Hldgs Ltd | 8.75% | -3.75% | -11.25% | -12.50% |
EIGA | Einvest Income Tmf Units | 0.25% | -1.00% | 3.42% | -2.08% |
EMD | Emyria Limited (fka Emerald Clinics Ltd) | -27.50% | -67.50% | -70.00% | -69.00% |
ENL | Enlitic Inc. | 2.41% | 4.22% | -25.90% | -75.30% |
EPN | Epsilon Healthcare (fka THC Global Ltd THC) | 119.56% | 83.69% | 10.24% | 9.68% |
EPX | Ept Global Ltd | 0.00% | 0.00% | -20.00% | -27.50% |
ESL | Eco Systems Ltd (BMP delisted) | 25.00% | 0.00% | 95.00% | 87.50% |
EXL | Elixinol Global Ltd | 10.00% | 0.00% | -15.00% | -7.50% |
FCG | Freedom Care Group Holdings Ltd | 5.00% | -27.50% | -15.00% | -20.00% |
FDX | Frontier Diamonds | -5.00% | -15.00% | -25.00% | -61.00% |
FEI | Fe Inv Group Ltd (fka Wolfstrike WSG) | -10.00% | -35.00% | -60.00% | -50.00% |
FFF | Forbidden Foods | 82.50% | 42.50% | 42.50% | 5.00% |
FHS | Freehill Mining Ltd. | -25.00% | -20.00% | -37.50% | -45.00% |
FOS | Fos Capital Ltd | -18.00% | -22.00% | 2.00% | -4.00% |
FPC | Fat Prophets Gbl Ltd | 3.18% | 3.64% | 3.64% | -5.45% |
FPP | Fat Prophets G P F | -1.36% | 1.82% | 0.00% | -10.00% |
FUL | Fulcrum Lithium Ltd | -12.50% | -15.00% | -25.00% | -12.50% |
FXG | Felix Gold Limited | -32.00% | -26.00% | -42.00% | -40.00% |
GDM | Great Divide Mining Ltd | 50.00% | 37.50% | 40.00% | 52.50% |
GO2 | Thego2 People | -5.00% | -7.50% | -22.50% | -45.00% |
HAL | Halo Technologies | -8.33% | -53.33% | -57.50% | -77.92% |
HLA | Healthia Limited | 19.50% | 16.00% | 3.00% | -1.00% |
HLF | Halo Food Co. Ltd (fka Keytone Dairy KTD) | 86.34% | 87.95% | 127.06% | 57.91% |
HM1 | Hearts & Minds Investments Ltd | 1.60% | 2.40% | 8.80% | 14.00% |
HMI | Hiremii | -27.50% | -37.50% | -56.50% | -64.00% |
HVM | Happy Valley Nutrition Ltd | -25.00% | -7.50% | -17.50% | -12.50% |
ICE | Icetana Limited | -5.00% | 27.50% | -35.00% | -35.00% |
ICR | InteliCare Holdings Ltd | 57.50% | 80.00% | 82.50% | 37.50% |
IHR | IntelliHR Holdings | 0.00% | -32.50% | -40.00% | -36.67% |
ILA | Island Pharma | 110.00% | 40.00% | 40.00% | 32.00% |
IMR | Imricor Medical Systems, Inc. | 74.70% | 56.63% | 38.55% | 104.22% |
INL | Innlanz Limited (fka Mediland Pharm Ltd) | 5.00% | 15.00% | 75.00% | 67.50% |
JAY | Jayride Group | 0.00% | -32.00% | -28.00% | -9.00% |
JCI | Jc Intern Group Ltd | 12.50% | 32.50% | 31.88% | -6.25% |
KED | Keypath Education | -4.31% | -2.16% | -5.66% | -34.50% |
KNB | Koonenberygold | -15.00% | -10.00% | -17.50% | -45.00% |
KSS | Kleos | -20.00% | -32.50% | -52.00% | -27.50% |
KYK | Kyckr Limited | -2.50% | -17.50% | 20.00% | -15.00% |
KZA | Kazia Therapeutics (fka Novogen NRT) | 3.64% | -24.55% | 21.63% | 177.27% |
L1M | Lightning Minerals Ltd | 17.50% | -20.00% | -15.00% | -12.50% |
LCA | Litigation Cap Ltd | -2.86% | -10.71% | -8.57% | -35.71% |
LDR | Lode Resources | -32.50% | -20.00% | -32.50% | 0.00% |
LGP | Little Green Pharma | -22.22% | -51.11% | -13.33% | -31.11% |
LME | Limeade, Inc. | 0.00% | -1.08% | -24.32% | -26.22% |
LMS | Litchfield Minerals | -5.00% | -12.50% | -17.50% | -50.00% |
LNG | Liquefied Natural | -6.45% | -4.84% | 75.81% | 593.55% |
LRD | Lord Resources Limited | 5.00% | 60.00% | 2.50% | 40.00% |
LRV | Larvotto Resources | -30.00% | -40.00% | -7.50% | 55.00% |
LSF | L1 Long Short Fund | -0.50% | 2.50% | -6.00% | -17.50% |
LTP | Ltr Pharma Limited | 90.00% | 67.50% | 45.00% | 302.50% |
MA1 | Monash Absolute | -1.30% | -0.30% | -3.20% | -8.70% |
MA1O | Monash Absolute Option 29 Sep 17 | ||||
MAG | Magmatic Resrce Ltd | 0.00% | -30.00% | -39.50% | -27.50% |
MAGO | Magmatic Resrce Ltd Option 17 May 20 | ||||
MAI | Mainstream Group | 2.50% | 42.50% | 47.50% | 62.50% |
MAM | Microequities | -6.25% | -8.75% | -13.75% | -28.84% |
MAN | Mandrake Resources Ltd | 0.00% | -15.00% | -20.00% | -25.00% |
MCL | Might Craft Ltd (fka FFL) | -2.00% | -8.00% | -41.00% | -44.00% |
MDR | MedAdvisor Ltd | 1.32% | -2.63% | -5.26% | -26.32% |
ME1 | Melodoil Global Health (fka CPH) | -8.89% | -10.00% | -2.22% | -17.78% |
MFD | Mayfield Childcr Ltd | 15.00% | 6.00% | 27.00% | 10.00% |
MGA | Metals Grove Mining Ltd | -27.50% | -47.50% | -7.50% | -25.00% |
MGG | Magellan Glob Trust | 2.00% | 10.00% | 8.00% | 1.33% |
MKR | Manuka Resources Ltd | 27.50% | 152.50% | 172.50% | 92.50% |
MNC | Merino And Co | 17.50% | 32.50% | -5.00% | -20.00% |
MOB | Mobilicom Ltd | 0.00% | -17.50% | -20.00% | -17.50% |
MRP | Macphersons Resource | 9.38% | 3.13% | -28.13% | -9.38% |
NGL | Nightingale Intel | -34.09% | -50.00% | -58.64% | -63.64% |
NMR | Native Mineral Resources Ltd | 0.00% | 145.00% | 20.00% | 55.00% |
NNG | Nexion Group | 25.00% | 15.00% | -2.50% | -5.00% |
NUS | Nusantara Resources | 2.38% | -3.57% | -23.81% | -33.33% |
NVU | Nanoveu Limited | -35.00% | -55.50% | -55.00% | -70.00% |
NWM | Norwest Minerals | -10.00% | -15.00% | -5.00% | 25.00% |
NZS | New Zealand Coastal Seafoods Ltd | -8.00% | -32.00% | -32.00% | -48.00% |
OCT | Octava Minerals Ltd | 27.50% | -20.00% | -40.00% | -50.00% |
OLL | Openlearning | -17.50% | 45.00% | -32.50% | 5.00% |
OLY | Olympio Metals (fka CLI) | -22.50% | -47.50% | -50.00% | -73.50% |
OPY | Openpay Group | -17.19% | -15.63% | -70.00% | 33.75% |
PFE | Panteraminerals | 102.50% | 95.00% | 27.50% | -2.50% |
PIN | Pinchme.Com | -22.00% | -48.00% | -69.00% | -74.00% |
PL8 | Plato Inc Max Ltd. | 0.09% | 1.45% | 2.09% | -0.62% |
PL8O | Plato Inc Max Ltd. Option 29 Apr 19 | ||||
PLX | Pyrolyx Ag | 0.00% | -11.56% | -19.73% | -25.17% |
PNT | Panther Metals Ltd | 2.50% | 0.00% | 17.50% | -5.00% |
POL | Polymetals Resources | -15.00% | -27.50% | -40.00% | -20.00% |
PPL | Pureprofile Ltd | 4.44% | -6.06% | -31.26% | -19.19% |
PR2 | Piche Resources | -22.50% | -45.00% | -52.00% | -56.00% |
PVL | Powerhouse Ven Ltd | -7.48% | -33.64% | -24.30% | -30.84% |
PYG | Paygroup Limited | 74.00% | 88.00% | 62.90% | 52.90% |
PYR | Payright Limited | -13.33% | -25.00% | -40.83% | -58.33% |
QML | Qmines Limited | -10.00% | 26.67% | 18.33% | 28.33% |
RAB | Adrabbit Limited (fka APV) | 10.18% | -16.41% | 52.32% | -0.31% |
RD1 | Registry Direct | 1.00% | -25.00% | -32.50% | -48.50% |
RD1O | Registry Direct Option 25 Oct 19 | ||||
RHY | Rhythm Biosciences | 62.50% | 35.00% | -10.00% | 5.00% |
RLF | RLF AgTech Ltd | 10.00% | -20.00% | -27.50% | -15.00% |
RLT | Renergen Ltd | 27.50% | 1.25% | -6.88% | 26.25% |
RML | Resolution Minerals | 17.50% | 29.75% | 217.50% | 132.50% |
RMLO | Resolution Minerals Option 14 Sep 19 | ||||
RNV | ReNerve Ltd | -5.00% | -10.00% | -32.50% | -35.00% |
RPM | RPM Automotive Group Ltd | -14.25% | -11.38% | -24.38% | -21.88% |
RPMO | Rpm Automotive Group Option 28 Aug 21 | ||||
RRR | Revolver Resources | 17.50% | 102.50% | 125.00% | 87.50% |
RVT | Richmond Vanadium | -12.50% | -43.75% | -5.00% | 0.00% |
SBW | Shekel Brainweigh | 5.71% | -34.29% | -15.71% | -40.00% |
SCP | Candy Club | 17.50% | -20.00% | -40.00% | -67.50% |
SDX | Sienna Cancer | -30.00% | -27.50% | -35.00% | -45.00% |
SHA | Shape Aust Corp Ltd | 2.55% | 14.29% | 12.10% | -0.40% |
SHG | Singular Health | 90.00% | 247.50% | 50.00% | 31.25% |
SIS | Simble Solutions | 25.00% | 20.00% | -10.00% | -20.00% |
SIX | Sprintex Ltd | -2.33% | -22.09% | -15.12% | 10.47% |
SMM | Somerset Minerals (fka Tempus Resources) | 25.00% | 22.50% | 0.00% | 20.00% |
SMS | Star Minerals Ltd | 7.50% | -12.50% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
SMX | Security Matters | 30.50% | 105.00% | 45.50% | 53.00% |
SNX | Sierra Nevada Gold | 0.00% | -2.00% | -30.00% | -30.00% |
SPA | Spacetalk Ltd | 7.89% | -10.53% | -15.79% | -55.26% |
SPT | Splitit Payments Ltd | 90.00% | 335.00% | 412.50% | 210.00% |
SQX | Sqx Resiurces Ltd | -15.00% | -35.00% | -35.00% | -32.50% |
SVH | Silver Heritage Grp | -7.50% | -21.25% | -65.00% | -45.00% |
SVY | Stavely Minerals Ltd | 1.50% | 35.50% | 190.67% | 40.49% |
SWF | Selfwealth | -20.00% | -27.50% | -10.00% | -30.00% |
T3K | Tek Ocean Group | -4.00% | -22.00% | -29.00% | -49.00% |
T88 | Taiton Resources | 10.00% | 2.50% | -2.50% | -12.50% |
TAT | Tartana Minerals Lt (fka R3 Resource) | -2.50% | -20.00% | -72.50% | -25.00% |
TB8 | Tianmei Bg Corp Ltd | 17.50% | -35.00% | -27.50% | -25.00% |
TBN | Tamboran Resources | -12.50% | -17.50% | -12.50% | -4.38% |
TEM | Tempest Minerals (fka LI3) | -10.00% | -17.50% | -55.00% | -50.00% |
TGF | Tribeca Global | 28.30% | 21.60% | 15.85% | 9.60% |
THCO | The Hydropo Co Ltd Option 31 Dec 19 | ||||
TKF | Tikforce Limited | -13.00% | -24.00% | -25.00% | -45.00% |
TMG | Trigg Mining Ltd. | -25.75% | -48.75% | -53.75% | -88.50% |
TMGO | Trigg Mining Ltd. Option 31 Oct 21 | ||||
TNT | Tesserent Limited | 0.00% | -2.50% | 2.50% | -37.50% |
TRU | TruScreen Group Ltd | 47.69% | 69.23% | 30.77% | 4.62% |
TSO | Tesoro Resources Ltd | -6.67% | 23.33% | 53.33% | 483.33% |
TTC | Traditional Therapy | -4.00% | 0.40% | 29.40% | 23.40% |
TTT | Titomic Limited | 125.00% | 112.50% | 465.00% | 562.50% |
UND | U & D Coal Ltd | 6.00% | 2.00% | 2.00% | 2.00% |
URB | Urb Investments Ltd | 3.64% | 0.82% | -2.36% | -8.64% |
URBO | Urb Investments Ltd Option 07 Apr 18 | ||||
URF | Us Masters Res Fund | 1.54% | 3.08% | 4.62% | 2.56% |
URFHC | Us Masters Res Fund Bnd 7.75% 12 21 3 M T | 18.00% | 18.75% | 11.41% | 12.78% |
UUVO | Uuv Aquabotix Ltd Option 19 Apr 19 | ||||
UWL | Uniti Wireless Ltd | -14.00% | 4.80% | 290.00% | 490.00% |
VIT | Vitura Health Ltd | -32.00% | -53.00% | -62.00% | -81.40% |
VVA | Viva Leisure Ltd | 8.00% | -11.00% | 70.00% | 190.00% |
W2V | Way 2 Vat Ltd | 57.50% | 10.00% | -15.00% | -65.00% |
WAM | Wam Capital Limited | 5.60% | 4.76% | 10.08% | 13.61% |
WGB | Wam Global Limited | 0.00% | -0.45% | -0.45% | -11.82% |
WGF | Wmark Global Fund | 1.27% | -3.00% | -4.09% | -6.91% |
WGFO | Wmark Global Fund Option 16 Nov 18 | ||||
WLE | Wam Leaders Limited | 0.91% | 5.00% | 11.91% | 5.55% |
WLEO | Wam Leaders Limited Option 17 Nov 17 | ||||
WML | Woomera Mining Ltd | -12.50% | -20.00% | -35.00% | -55.00% |
WNX | Wellnex Life Ltd (fta Wattle Health Au Ltd WHA) | 0.00% | 95.00% | 72.50% | 360.00% |
WRK | Wrkr Ltd (fka Integrated Payment Technologies IP1) | 0.00% | -2.50% | -10.00% | -45.00% |
X2M | X2M Connect Ltd | 8.00% | -22.00% | -24.00% | -46.00% |
Z2U | Zoom2 U Technologies | 115.00% | 165.00% | 72.50% | 5.00% |
ZBT | Zebit, Inc. | -33.86% | -36.39% | -32.28% | -22.47% |
ZNO | Zoono Group Ltd | -10.00% | -25.00% | 35.00% | 117.50% |
ZNT | Zenitas Health Ltd | 5.00% | 2.56% | 28.21% | 17.95% |
Median Return | 0.00% | -2.16% | -6.44% | -9.00% | |
Simple Average Return | 5.39% | 5.47% | 4.35% | 9.71% | |
Simple Money-weighted Annualised Return¹ | 83.19% | 38.07% | 13.94% | 18.64% |
Note 1: Calculated by Sharesight
Note: Investors should be aware that liquidity in some stocks is limited. Calculations are based on last trade prices on the final trading day of the relevant period. Investors should note that there is no guarantee that there will be available liquidity to execute sales. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Note: Total Return includes returns from options, open + closed positions, dividends at 01/03/2025