OnMarket offers: Comprehensive breakdown of returns as of 1 May 2020

OnMarket's comprehensive returns analyses the performance of all listed OnMarket offers to date by following a simple strategy:

  • Investing the same amount into every OnMarket IPO and Placement; and,
  • Selling every OnMarket IPO and Placement at the same number of days post-listing or resumption of trading.

For OnMarket investors who had followed this simple strategy since inception (~5 years), you would have seen a simple money-weighted annualised return of 27% when selling your OnMarket IPOs and Placements 6 months post-listing or resumption of trading.

For more information on how returns are calculated see here.

For a full comprehensive breakdown of returns, see below:

    Total Return %
Code Name 1 Day 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month
14D 1414 Degrees Limited -18.57% -15.71% -18.57% -5.71%
14DO 1414 Degrees Ltd Opt 21 Aug 20        
1AD Adalta Limited -8.00% -8.00% -8.00% -16.00%
3DA Amaero International -15.00% 82.50% -15.00% -17.50%
4WD Auto Solutions Ltd -12.50% -7.00% -12.50% -64.00%
9SP 9 Spokes Int Limited -22.50% -25.00% -22.50% -22.50%
AEG Absolute Equity Perf 20.00% 27.27% 20.00% 20.00%
AEGO Absolute Equity Opt 16 Nov 17        
AFL Af Legal Group Ltd -7.50% -5.00% -7.50% -12.50%
AGH Althea Group Holdings Ltd -47.50% -21.50% -47.50% -54.50%
AJM Altura Mining Ltd -11.54% 19.23% -11.54% -24.62%
AL3 AML3D Ltd -5.00% -5.00% -5.00% -5.00%
ANW Aus Tin Mining -27.27% 0.00% -27.27% -81.82%
APL Antipodes Global Inv 3.18% -0.36% 3.18% 15.64%
APLO Antipodes Global Opt 15 Oct 18        
APV AppsVillage Australia Ltd 67.50% -17.50% 67.50% -7.50%
ARL Ardea Resources Ltd 187.50% 127.50% 187.50% 300.00%
BEE Broo Ltd 65.00% 45.00% 65.00% 55.00%
BRI Big Riv Indust Ltd 30.14% 21.92% 30.14% 60.96%
BTH Bigtincan Hldgs Ltd -15.38% -17.31% -15.38% -34.62%
BTK Botai Tech Ltd (fka WMC) 55.00% 62.50% 55.00% 20.00%
CA8 Coassets Ltd. -75.00% -38.75% -75.00% -37.50%
CA8O Coassets Ltd. Option 30 May 19        
CAU Cronos Australia -62.00% -53.00% -62.00% -78.00%
CCG Commschoice -26.00% -6.00% -26.00% -40.00%
CDC China Dairy Ltd -2.15% 20.00% -2.15% -17.15%
CDM Cadence Capital 6.74% 5.10% 6.74% 7.25%
CDMO Cadence Capital Option 31 Aug 15        
CLB Candy Club Holdings -40.00% -20.00% -40.00% -67.50%
CLI Croplogic -50.00% -47.50% -50.00% -73.50%
COB Cobalt Blue Ltd 12.50% 57.50% 12.50% 3.75%
COBO Cobalt Blue Ltd Option 02 May 20       Infinity
CP1 Cannpal Animal 20.00% 17.50% 20.00% 5.00%
CPH Creso Pharma Ltd -2.22% -10.00% -2.22% -17.78%
CWL Chant West Holdings (fka ENZ) 62.50% 20.00% 62.50% 90.00%
DBF Duxton Broadacre 6.67% 10.00% 6.67% 0.00%
DCL Domacom Limited -72.00% -69.33% -72.00% -80.00%
DFM Dongfang Modern Ag 26.00% 35.00% 26.00% 142.00%
DN8 Dreamscape Netwk Ltd -22.00% -4.00% -22.00% -18.00%
DRO Droneshield Limited 20.50% 40.00% 20.50% 60.00%
DROO Droneshield Ltd Option 14 Jun 18        
DSE Dropsuite Ltd -29.00% -10.00% -29.00% -41.00%
ECS ECS Botanics Holdings 15.00% 47.50% 15.00% 22.50%
EDC Eildon Capital Ltd 6.57% 1.89% 6.57% 8.98%
EHH Eagle Hlth Hldgs Ltd -11.25% -3.75% -11.25% -12.50%
EIGA Einvest Income Tmf Units 3.42% -1.00% 3.42% -2.08%
EMD Emerald Clinics Ltd -66.00% -67.50% -66.00% -66.00%
ESL Eco Systems Ltd (BMP delisted) 95.00% 0.00% 95.00% 87.50%
FDX Frontier Diamonds -25.00% -15.00% -25.00% -61.00%
FEI Fe Inv Group Ltd (fka WSG) -60.00% -35.00% -60.00% -50.00%
FFL Founders -41.00% -8.00% -41.00% -47.00%
FHS Freehill Mining Ltd. -37.50% -20.00% -37.50% -45.00%
FIJ Fiji Kava Ltd -57.00% -52.00% -57.00% -57.50%
FPC Fat Prophets Gbl Ltd 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% -5.45%
FPP Fat Prophets G P F 0.00% 1.82% 0.00% -10.00%
GO2 Thego2 People -22.50% -7.50% -22.50% -45.00%
HLA Healthia Limited 3.00% 16.00% 3.00% -1.00%
HM1 Hearts & Minds Investments Ltd 8.80% 2.40% 8.80% 14.00%
HVM Happy Valley Nutrition Ltd -17.50% -7.50% -17.50% -2.50%
ICE Icetana Limited -35.00% 27.50% -35.00% -17.50%
IHR IntelliHR Holdings -40.00% -32.50% -40.00% -36.67%
IMR Imricor Medical Systems, Inc. 38.55% 56.63% 38.55% 104.22%
IP1 Int Payment Tech Ltd -10.00% -2.50% -10.00% -45.00%
JAY Jayride Group -28.00% -32.00% -28.00% -9.00%
JCI Jc Intern Group Ltd 31.88% 32.50% 31.88% -6.25%
KSS Kleos -52.00% -32.50% -52.00% -27.50%
KTD Keytone Dairy 154.48% 99.24% 154.48% 114.52%
KYK Kyckr Limited 20.00% -17.50% 20.00% -15.00%
KZA Kazia Therapeutics (fka NRT) 21.63% -24.55% 21.63% 177.27%
LCA Litigation Cap Ltd -8.57% -10.71% -8.57% -35.71%
LGP Little Green Pharma -33.33% -51.11% -33.33% -33.33%
LI3 Lcme Ltd -55.00% -17.50% -55.00% -50.00%
LME Limeade, Inc. -24.32% -1.08% -24.32% -18.92%
LNG Liquefied Natural 75.81% -4.84% 75.81% 593.55%
LSF L1 Long Short Fund -6.00% 2.50% -6.00% -17.50%
MA1 Monash Absolute -3.20% -0.30% -3.20% -8.70%
MA1O Monash Absolute Opt29 Sep 17        
MAG Magmatic Resrce Ltd -39.50% -30.00% -39.50% -27.50%
MAGO Magmatic Res Ltd Opt 17 May 20        
MAI Mainstream Group 47.50% 42.50% 47.50% 62.50%
MAM Microequities -13.75% -8.75% -13.75% -28.84%
MAN Mandrake Resources Ltd -20.00% -15.00% -20.00% -25.00%
MFD Mayfield Childcr Ltd 27.00% 6.00% 27.00% 10.00%
MGG Magellan Glob Trust 8.00% 10.00% 8.00% 1.33%
MOB Mobilicom Ltd -20.00% -17.50% -20.00% -17.50%
MPH Mediland Pharm Ltd 75.00% 15.00% 75.00% 67.50%
MRP Macphersons Resource -28.13% 3.13% -28.13% -9.38%
NUS Nusantara Resources -23.81% -3.57% -23.81% -33.33%
NVU Nanoveu Limited -55.00% -35.00% -55.00% -70.00%
NWM Norwest Minerals -5.00% -10.00% -5.00% 25.00%
NZS NZ Coastal Seafoods Ltd -32.00% -32.00% -32.00% -48.00%
OLL Openlearning -32.50% 45.00% -32.50% -10.00%
OPY Openpay Group -70.00% -15.63% -70.00% -41.56%
PIN Pinchme.Com -69.00% -48.00% -69.00% -74.00%
PKS PKS Holdings -12.50% -10.00% -12.50% -12.50%
PL8 Plato Inc Max Ltd. 2.09% 1.45% 2.09% -0.62%
PL8O Plato Inc Max Ltd. Opt29 Apr 19        
PLX Pyrolyx Ag -19.73% -11.56% -19.73% -25.17%
PPL Pureprofile Ltd -31.26% -6.06% -31.26% -19.19%
PVL Powerhouse Ven Ltd -24.30% -33.64% -24.30% -30.84%
PYG Paygroup Limited 62.90% 88.00% 62.90% 52.90%
RD1 Registry Direct -32.50% -25.00% -32.50% -48.50%
RD1O Registry Direct Option 25 Oct 19        
RHY Rhythm Biosciences -10.00% 35.00% -10.00% 5.00%
RLT Renergen Ltd -6.88% 1.25% -6.88% 26.25%
RML Resolution Minerals 217.50% 29.75% 217.50% 132.50%
RMLO Resolution Mnrls Opt14 Sep 19        
RPM RPM Automotive Group Ltd -24.38% -11.38% -24.38% -21.88%
RPMO Rpm Automotive Opt 28 Aug 21        
SBW Shekel Brainweigh -18.57% -34.29% -18.57% -40.00%
SDX Sienna Cancer -35.00% -27.50% -35.00% -45.00%
SIS Simble Solutions -10.00% 20.00% -10.00% -20.00%
SMX Security Matters 45.50% 105.00% 45.50% 103.73%
SPT Splitit Payments Ltd 412.50% 335.00% 412.50% 210.00%
SVH Silver Heritage Grp -65.00% -21.25% -65.00% -45.00%
SVY Stavely Minerals Ltd 190.67% 35.50% 190.67% 40.49%
SWF Selfwealth -10.00% -27.50% -10.00% -30.00%
TB8 Tianmei Bg Corp Ltd -27.50% -35.00% -27.50% -25.00%
TDY Thedocyard Limited -17.50% -35.00% -17.50% -17.50%
TGF Tribeca Global -0.40% 1.60% -0.40% -6.40%
THC The Hydropo Co Ltd 41.49% 110.36% 41.49% 53.74%
THCO THC Ltd Opt 31 Dec 19        
TKF Tikforce Limited -25.00% -24.00% -25.00% -45.00%
TMG Trigg Mining Ltd. -53.75% -48.75% -53.75% -88.50%
TMGO Trigg Mining Ltd. Opt31 Oct 21        
TMR Tempus Resources Ltd 0.00% 22.50% 0.00% 20.00%
TNT Tesserent Limited 2.50% -2.50% 2.50% -37.50%
TSO Tesoro Resources Ltd 80.00% 23.33% 80.00% 80.00%
TTC Traditional Therapy 29.40% 0.40% 29.40% 23.40%
TTT Titomic Limited 465.00% 112.50% 465.00% 562.50%
UND U & D Coal Ltd 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
URB Urb Investments Ltd -2.36% 0.82% -2.36% -8.64%
URBO Urb Investments Ltd Opt 7 Apr 18        
URF Us Masters Res Fund 4.62% 3.08% 4.62% 2.56%
URFHC URF Bnd 7.75% 12 21 3 M T 1.41% 1.75% 1.41% 4.78%
UUV Uuv Aquabotix Ltd -30.00% -5.50% -30.00% -42.00%
UUVO Uuv Aquabotix Ltd Opt 19 Apr 19        
UWL Uniti Wireless Ltd 290.00% 4.80% 290.00% 490.00%
VVA Viva Leisure Ltd 70.00% -11.00% 70.00% 190.00%
WAM Wam Capital Limited 10.08% 4.76% 10.08% 5.73%
WGB Wam Global Limited -0.45% -0.45% -0.45% -11.82%
WGF Wmark Global Fund -4.09% -3.00% -4.09% -6.91%
WGFO Wmark Global Opt16 Nov 18        
WHA Wattle Health Au Ltd 72.50% 95.00% 72.50% 360.00%
WLE Wam Leaders Limited 11.91% 5.00% 11.91% 5.55%
WLEO Wam Leaders Ltd Opt 17 Nov 17        
WML Woomera Mining Ltd -35.00% -20.00% -35.00% -55.00%
ZNO Zoono Group Ltd 35.00% -25.00% 35.00% 117.50%
ZNT Zenitas Health Ltd 28.21% 2.56% 28.21% 17.95%
Median Return 0.00% -2.75% -6.44% -11.46%
Simple Average Return 5.73% 4.62% 9.29% 14.78%
Simple Money-weighted Annualised Return¹ 83.54% 30.09% 28.26% 27.06%


Note 1:Calculated by Sharesight.

Note: Investors should be aware that liquidity in some stocks is limited.  Calculations are based on last trade prices on the final trading day of the relevant period. Investors should note that there is no guarantee that there will be available liquidity to execute sales.

Note: Total Return includes returns from options, open + closed positions, dividends at 01/05/2020.